Personal Translator – Everything needed for automatic translation

Personal Translator has led the field in automatic translations for many years and thousands of private and professional users around the world rely on its intelligent, advanced technology every day. Personal Translator is the efficient translation tool for all your needs: Spot on translations at your convenience!

Secure translations with Personal Translator Professional

Personal Translator Professional is an indispensable tool for swift and efficient translations. Leading companies worldwide rely on Personal Translator as their preferred translation tool thereby saving much time and money.
Including 7 language pairs.

249,- €  EinkaufswagenBuy now

Secure translations in the company network with Personal Translator NetPersonal Translator Net provides its users with access to the award-winning translation technology of Personal Translator in the company network. Companies will benefit from the network performance of the single-user version of Personal Translator Professional. Including 7 language pairs.

799,- €  EinkaufswagenBuy now

Personal Translator Intranet is the scaleable, secure and stable server solution for corporations that want to make a common translation portal available to their employees in-house.

Each language pair 4975,- €  EinkaufswagenBuy now

Video Personal Translator Professional

In our video we explain how Personal Translator Professional can make your translation work more efficient and professional.

Further Information on Personal Translator and the Automatic Translation

Fraunhofer Study:
The well-reputed Fraunhofer Institute extensively tested Personal Translator with regard to efficiency and usability. The results show a clear time saving of over 40%. Read the full details of the study.
The example calculations illustrate what the result of the Fraunhofer study can mean for your company in terms of actual potential savings.

User Reports:
Top customers like Siemens, OCÉ, ASWO, Leaseplan, Veith, Valeo and Textron, who have already been using Personal Translator for a long time, report on their experiences with machine translation. Read the user reports of these companies.

Customer List:
Personal Translator has been tried and tested by international companies and repeatedly found to be a reliable translation tool. Our customer list speaks for itself.

User Views:
Smaller companies and private individuals are also enthusiastically using Personal Translator for translations. The views of our users reflect this.

European IT Prize:
Linguatec is the only company to be awarded the European IT Prize three times for their innovative achievements in the field of language technology. Find more details here.

META Award:
Linguatec awarded with META Seal of Recognition. (Text in English language)

Smart Translation™ Technology:
What’s behind the new intelligent SmartAnalyse™, SmartCorrect™, SmartLookup™ and SmartMemory™ technologies?

Intelligence of Neural Networks:
Translate with the intelligence of neural networks: read here what is meant by this and how this new type of technology (for which a patent has been filed) functions.

Translation Examples:
The translation examples on the following page illustrate how Personal Translator translates in comparison with conventional translation programs.

Linguatec Corpus:
To optimize the translation performance of Personal Translator, over the years, Linguatec has built up an enormous collection of texts (the Linguatec corpus) in many languages.

Machine Translation Fact Sheet:
Here you will get informed how machine translation works, why machine translation is not perfect and what kind of translation program would be suitable for you.

Technological Bases:
Personal Translator is one of the leading programs in the translation technology field. Find out more about its technological bases and method of working.