10 Convincing Arguments for Voice Pro Dictate

hochqualitativ 1. High Quality: Speech Recognition at the highest level

Voice Pro Dictate is optimized for direct dictation in real time.

2. Precise: Accurate recognition results thanks to superior SR technology

Use of state-of-the-art AI processes with neural network architecture.

3. Sophisticated: Huge language model (Speech Recognition Language: German)

Voice Pro Dictate contains a vocabulary of over 1 million words. Specialised vocabulary for medicine, law and technology is included.

4. Convenient: Direct dictation in any application

The application includes a powerful editor, plug-ins for Microsoft Word and Outlook and the option to dictate into any other application.

5. Time-saving: Optimum support for the final inspection

Time-synchronised playback of dictation and recognised text enables convenient and efficient final checking.

6. Adaptive

Users can add own words and thus continuously optimise speech recognition for the required area.

7. Secure: Maximum data security

100% in-house solution. No data (neither text nor audio) is transmitted externally. Speech recognition takes place entirely locally on the computer on which Voice Pro Dictate has been installed.

8. Cost-effective: Attractive price model without follow-up costs

With the purchase of a Voice Pro Dictate licence, you receive the right to use the software for an unlimited period of time with no limit on the amount of data to be dictated. There are no annual follow-up costs. Discount for multi-user licences.

9. Efficient: Unrivalled price-performance ratio

Dictation is three times faster than typing. Independent tests show that the use of speech recognition leads to time savings of over 50% when creating texts.

10. Reliable: Your experienced specialist for language technologies

Linguatec, based in Munich, has been developing speech recognition for over 20 years and stands for innovative speech technology solutions.

Voice Pro Dictate Diktierlösung Desktop Solution Voice Pro Dictate

for professional dictation in any application
(Speech Recognition Language: German)

Price: 499,- €  INTRODUCTORY PRICE: 399,- €