10 Convincing Arguments for Voice Pro Transcription

hochqualitativ 1. Top Quality: Speech recognition at the highest level for the transcription of meetings, conferences, interviews…

Optimised for the automatic transcription of existing recordings (meetings, conferences, interviews) even under difficult recording conditions. Whether audio or video.

2. Precise: Accurate transcripts thanks to superior AI technology

Use of state-of-the-art AI processes with neural network architecture.

3. Sophisticated: Professional language models with a huge vocabulary

Vocabulary with over 2 million words

4. Time-saving: Simple handling and automatic punctuation save valuable time

The application delivers at the simple touch of a button the result of the finished transcription including punctuation marks.

5. Multilingual and international: Support of more than 50 languages

Voice Pro Transcription can recognise and transcribe recordings in more thant 50 languages. I. a. English, Spanish, French, German, Italian…

6. Convenient: Optimum support during the entire workflow

Time-synchronised playback of recording and recognised text enables convenient and efficient final checking.

7. Secure: Maximum data security

100% in-house solution. No data (neither text nor audio) needs to be transmitted externally.

8. Cost-effective: Attractive price model without follow-up costs

The customer receives the right to use the software for an unlimited period of time with no limitation of the amount of audio or video to transcribe. No annual follow-up costs

9. Efficient: Unrivalled price-performance ratio

Creating transcriptions manually is tedious and takes five times as much time as the recording itself. With Voice Pro Transcription, your PC does it for you automatically.

10. Reliable: Your professional partner

Linguatec, based in Munich, has been developing speech recognition for over 20 years and stands for innovative speech technology solutions.

Voice Pro Transcription - professional desktop software to transcribe audio and video offlineDesktop Solution Voice Pro Transcription

for the secure transcription of audio and video

Price:  499,- €  INTRODUCTORY PRICE: 399,- €